Logo for Nivedita Yoga, Adelaide Hills and Flinders Island

Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow.

-Swami Satyananda Saraswati-

Thomas Hubl & David Whyte – The Vulnerable Choice of Breaking our Hearts Open

David Whyte: ” I think that moveability, the liquefication that we experience and the beauty of a falling stream on a rocky hillside is the way that human beings slowly articulate truth. If there’s a certain beauty to the way you sometimes finally say to yourself what you need to say, or sometimes you say it to another person, you overhear yourself saying things that you cannot return from. There’s a wonderful way in which your voice becomes naturally revelatory when you start to overhear yourself saying the truth, it’s like the way water fills up each little pond as it moves down a mountainside. It fills it to the top, and then it just spills over down into the next pool beneath it, from pool to pool.”

David Whyte – The Vulnerable Choice of Breaking our Hearts Open