Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow.

-Swami Satyananda Saraswati-

Nivedita Saraswati Yoga

Nivedita Saraswati Yoga is available online bringing health and wellbeing into your home, and in person classes are held at Simplicity by the Sea Yoga Studio at 471 Killiecrankie Rd, Killiecrankie, Flinders Island, Tasmania. Providing a peaceful location for weekly yoga, meditation classes and weekend workshops. 

Nivedita Saraswati incorporates a traditional integrated style of practise which includes movements, postures, breath with relaxation and concentration techniques.

Courses will especially develop practices to bring about balance & strength into the nervous system, help improve the immune system & manage pain.

Nivedita Saraswati is an experienced teacher, with an integrated accessible approach.

Click here to find out more about Nivedita’s education and experience.

Nivedita at Nivedita Yoga, Adelaide Hills and Flinders Island

Classes To Suit Your Needs

Group Yoga Classes

Private Yoga Classes

Zoom Yoga Classes

Yoga Practices Taught

Asanas (yogic postures) practiced with awareness, gently and non-competitively. The asanas work on the physical body, gently stretching and toning the muscles and organs, stimulating the nervous system, improving health and flexibility.

Pranayama (breathing practices) control, expand and balance the breath to calm and relax the mind and emotions as breath is the link between body and mind.

“Through the right practice of asana & pranayama the body enters a state of ecstasy, euphoria, festivity. In this state every cell is dancing, is vibrating with joy. Every cell is dancing with life”. Swami Niranjan

Yoga Nidra is a simple guided meditation practice which promotes very deep relaxation. Half an hour of yoga nidra is as restful as two hours of normal sleep.

Meditation is introduced after introductory classes including theory and practice, leading to inner stillness, balance, and harmony.

Regular practice of these techniques not only greatly aids in the maintenance of good physical and mental health by reducing stress, but also brings about a sense of profound personal wellbeing.


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Class with Nivedita Yoga, Adelaide Hills and Flinders Island

Class Timetable

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Schedule with Nivedita Yoga, Adlaide Hills and Flinders Island


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Retreat Yantra 4 with Nivedita Yoga,Adelaide Hills and Flinders Island


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Woman relaxing on beach at sunset with Nivedita Yoga, Adelaide Hills and Flinders Island

Grief Recovery

Discover the Grief Recovery Method.

Grief Recovery with Nivedita Yoga, Adelaide Hills and Flinders Island

Flinders Island

Special Events/Classes/Retreats/Workshop.
