Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow.

-Swami Satyananda Saraswati-

The Grief Recovery Method®

Seeing the words grief and recovery together is often the first awareness many people have that recovery from significant emotional losses is even possible.

Recovery from loss is achieved by a series of small and correct action choices made by the griever. Sadly, most of us have not been given the necessary information with which to make those choices. 

Grieving People do not lack courage or willingness, They lack correct information about what actions to take and a safe environment in which to take them.

Incomplete recovery from grief can have a lifelong negative effect on the capacity for happiness. 

The Grief Recovery Method is the most comprehensive and helpful course to deal with losses of all kinds and all levels of emotional impact.

Moving Beyond Loss if you have experienced one or more losses and you wish to move beyond the pain, this program offers you the probability of a richer and more rewarding life.

The Facilitator all courses are facilitated by Nividita Sarawati, a trained Social Worker with experience in mental health. Additionally she has practical training with yogic traditions of deep relaxation, meditation and movement to support physical and mental  health and wellbeing.
Nivedita has further training and certification from the Grief Recovery Institute and has found  this system to be a powerful and effective way to support recovery form grief and loss.

The grief recovery method with Nivedita Yoga, Adelaide Hills and Flinders Island

Emotional Well-being, Loss & Grief Recovery: courses will re-commence in 2025, term 1, private or small group & graduate sessions.

This course is based on supported personal work that allows very quick progress through a range of personal loss experiences. This experience is illuminating, empowering and on-going.

Course Options:
Introductory: 1 session   $75   or $25   for a group of 4-10.
Restorative:   3 sessions $385 or $250 for a group of 4-10.
Progressive:  4 sessions $480 or $250 for a group of 4-10.
Complete:       7 sessions $865 or $450 for a group of 4-10.

Graduate Courses:
Loss and Grief Recovery.
Helping Children to Grieve for Parents and Caregivers.
Grief Recovery for Pet Loss.

Direct Debit BSB: 633 108 Bendigo Bank.
Account No: 1145 39059.
Account name: S.N. Saraswati.

The Grief Recovery Method with Nivedita Yoga

Emotional Well-Being, Grief and Loss

The Definition

Simply defined, grief is the normal and natural reaction to significant emotional loss of any kind. While we never compare losses, any list would include death and divorce as obvious painful losses. Our list also includes many others; retirement, moving, pet loss, financial and health issues, etc.

The range of emotions associated with grief is as varied as there are people and personal-ities. There is no list of feelings that would adequately describe one person’s emotions, much less an entire society.

Grief is individual and unique. As every relationship is unique, so are the feelings and thoughts each person will have about the relationship that has been altered by death, divorce, or for other reasons.

lotus flower

The Problem

While grief is normal and natural, most of the information passed on within our society about dealing with grief is not normal, natural, or helpful. Grief is the emotional response to loss, but most of the information we have learned about dealing with loss is intellectual.

The Myths

The majority of incorrect ideas about dealing with loss can be summed up in six key myths which are so common that nearly everyone recognizes them.

  • Time Heals All Wounds.
  • Grieve Alone.
  • Be Strong.
  • Don’t Feel Bad.
  • Replace the Loss.
  • Keep Busy.
Grief with Nivedita Yoga

Most people have never questioned whether or not they are valid. Just looking at the myth that “time heals” creates the idea that a person just has to wait and they will feel better. We have known people who had waited 10, 20, 30, and 40 years, and still didn’t feel better. And, we know that they would tell you that not only had time not healed them, but that it had also compounded the pain. The other five myths carry equally unhelpful messages.

Step by Step Actions

The sessions provide the context for learning step by step actions that help people move beyond the pain caused by loss. The program creates a safe environment in which to look at old beliefs about dealing with loss; to look at what losses have affected your life; and to take new actions which lead to completion of the pain attached to one of those losses. This course is not a counselling course, more a set of profound educational tools.

Emotional Wellbeing with Nivedita Yoga, Adelaide Hills and Flinders Island

Commitment and Attendance
The Grief Recovery Method® course is not an
occasional, drop-in or casual course, nor does it
involve counseling. It may be attended as weekly
sessions or as an intensive over 3-10 days. The
intensive format especially suits a health focused
holiday break, where participants attend in person &
stay in holiday accommodation at Killiecrankie, Tas.
This allows time completely away from the normal
routine, with beautiful scenery to explore in between
sessions & personal study time.
Each session is accompanied by notes and some
“homework” These fairly simple requests along with
the personally guided course unfolds a powerful
learning and insight on an emotional level.
For the safety and success of all participants at a
group course, commitment and attendance are

Grief Recovery with Nivedita Yoga, Adelaide Hills and Flinders Island